The Best Fortnite PC Settings Worth Tweaking in Fortnite

Best Fortnite PC Settings

Ever since its launch in 2017, Fortnite’s popularity has skyrocketed massively—only to become the most widely played video game ever. Racking in millions and millions of gamers from all over the world, Fortnite’s journey to the top of the world of Battle Royale has been nothing short of fantastic.

Needless to say, the level of options within the game has also made it one of the most competitive video games in existence. And that is why you need to get a taste of the best Fortnite controller settings to help you get ahead.

Whether you are a pro-Fortnite gamer or simply a beginner who is just getting into it, you can benefit from the best controller settings, as mentioned in this article.

Want to stay competitive? Here are the nine best Fortnite PC settings that can help you get the upper hand while playing.

Let’s get started, gamers!

Why Do You Need the Best Game Settings for Fortnite?

If you are a competitive gamer, some of these best game settings can boost your performance significantly. Not only will tweaking these settings make the gameplay easier, but it will also enhance your competitive play.

fortnite pc settings

What are the Best Game Settings for Fortnite?

We have done complete research on how you can optimize your game settings on Fortnite. Leverage these unique settings to produce the best performance!

Best Sensitivity Settings

One of the most important game settings on Fortnite is related to the sensitivity aspect. If the sensitivity is too low, it can make your character an easy target—thanks to the poor reaction time. However, if it is too high, you might find the control very difficult.

To hit the sweet spot, you will need to pay equal attention to low look sensitivity and a higher build. An optimum sensitivity balance will help you react on time while engaging with an opposing character.

Listed below are a few sensitivity settings to improve your gameplay to help you reach the coveted “Victory Royale” title.

Advanced Sensitivity Settings

  • Look Dampening Time: 0.00
  • Look Input Curve: Linear
  • Aim Assist Strength: 100%
  • Build Mode Sensitivity Multiplier: 2.3x
  • Edit Mode Sensitivity Multiplier: 2.3x
  • Use Advanced Options: On

Advanced Look Sensitivity Settings

  • Look Horizontal Speed: 45%
  • Look Vertical Speed: 45%
  • Turning Horizontal Boost: 0%
  • Turning Boost Ramp Time: 0%
  • Instant Boost When Building: Off

Advanced ADS Sensitivity Settings (Aim Down Sights)

  • Look Horizontal Speed: 14%
  • Look Vertical Speed: 14%
  • Horizontal Boost: 0%
  • Vertical Boost: 0%
  • Turning Boost Ramp Time: 0.00

Best Visibility Settings

Your visibility in a game is one of the major factors affecting your performance. Visibility essentially includes in-game resolutions, game color blind modes, and digital vibrancy settings.

So, in this section, we will cover these three aspects to optimize Fortnite’s visibility.

Best Resolution Settings for Visibility

The best way to play Fortnite is on full-screen mode. However, if you use an old gaming PC, you might have resolution issues that might hinder your vision.

But don’t worry, there are a few resolution options to enhance your vision. These in-game resolution settings might also help your game run faster. So, why not test them out?

The most popular resolution setting in Fortnite is the 1680×1050. This “stretched out” setting gives the game and the character a more zoomed in look—which can make your focus and aim perfect!

Besides, you might also get a more stable/higher FPS because there are fewer pixels displaying on the screen.

Best Color-Blind Modes Settings for Visibility

Color-blind modes have been integrated for Fortnite primarily to improve visibility for colorblind people. However, you can also use these settings to enhance your visibility on screen.

Tritanope 10

One of the most popular options for those who enjoy playing with the color-blind mode is—using Tritanope 10. Originally, this mode was created for people with blue-yellow color blindness.

However, when they play using the Tritanope 10 mode, their screen will be brighter and more vibrant. So, if you try this out, make sure you reduce the brightness in order to avoid blinding your eyes.

  • Brightness: 50%
  • Color Blind Mode: Tritanope
  • Color Blind Strength: 10

Protanope 5

Similar to the previous mode, this was created for those who cannot identify red colors or red lights in the game.

However, this colorblind mode makes it easier to enjoy the vibrancy of the color red.

  • Brightness: 100%
  • Color Blind Mode: Protanope
  • Color Blind Strength: 5-7

No Color-Blind Mode

If you do not wish to use the color-blind mode but still want the same level of vibrancy for the colors, you can change a few settings on your desktop to try and compensate the effects.

Besides, you might also have to reduce the brightness on your desktop to avoid straining your eyes.

  • Brightness: 80%
  • Color Blind Mode: Off
  • Color Blind Strength: 0

Best Digital Vibrancy Settings for Visibility

If you would like to change the digital vibrancy settings in Fortnite, first exit the game and open the AMD or NVIDIA settings on the Control Panel.

Once you have entered these settings, navigate around to change and alter the desktop color settings. Make sure to change the digital vibrancy of your PC to 80%. And there you have the sweet spot!

However, you can also experiment to see which percentage fits you the best.

Once you have changed the settings as per your preference, apply these changes to your desktop and re-launch your game.

Be sure to start a new game as this will allow you to notice the changes in colors. You will notice that everything on the game appears more vibrant than usual—allowing you to see things in HD with maximum clarity

Best FPS Settings

Simply put, FPS (Frames Per Second) is the term of measurement for the number of frames being refreshed every second. For example, if the FPS is at 40, you can see 40 different visuals appear in ascending order in a single second.

If the FPS is less than the normal rate, the visuals will appear jerky and jagged—hampering your entire gaming experience.

But you can also have trouble if the FPS is too high. A high FPS can overwork your PC system, leading to malfunctioning. If you wish to make your Fortnite performance smooth and high-quality, try changing your graphic settings to the following:

Graphics Options

  • Quality Presets: Low
  • 3D Resolution: 100%
  • View Distance: Near
  • Shadows: Off
  • Anti-Aliasing: Off
  • Textures: Medium
  • Effects: Low
  • Post Processing: Low

Advanced Graphics Options

  • VSync: Off
  • Motion Blur: Off
  • Show FPS: On
  • Rendering Mode: DirectX 11
  • Allow Multithreaded Rendering: On
  • Use GPU Crash Debugging: Off
  • Latency Markers: On
  • Nvidia Reflex Low Latency: On + Boost
  • Latency Flash: Off
  • DLSS: Off

What is the Best Setting for Frame Rate Limit in Fortnite?

FPS or Frame Rate Limit (measured in frames per second) describes how smoothly Fortnite works on your PC. A system with good FPS packs in more frames every second—that, in turn, runs the game more seamlessly.

This is why you should set the Frame Rate Limit to the highest stable level, as much as your PC can handle. Pro gamers with high-end computers ideally set their Frame Rate Limit at 240 FPS.

You can change this setting on both NVIDIA G-Sync or FreeSync technology.

To achieve maximum FPS on either of these technologies, you will first restrict the existing FPS to minus three on your PC monitor’s refresh rate. For instance, if your current refresh rate is at 144Hz, you will have to limit the Frame Rate Limit to 141 FPS.

By doing this, you can ensure that the FPS will not exceed the 144 mark—because this will cause the NVIDIA G-Sync or FreeSync technology to switch and result in screen tearing.

Besides, you can also to manually change to a custom maximum frame rate by altering it in the gameusersettings.ini file.

Once you have changed the FPS to the desired level, change the file to a read-only format. You can do this by right clicking on the particular file and go to its properties. Next, check off the read-only box of the file. You will find this section under the General tab’s Attributes section.

Best Controller Settings

Every gamer chooses his or her controller to take as their weapon to the battlefield. Some prefer PlayStation controllers, whereas others prefer the Xbox ones. Other than this, there are preferences like a compact PS controller that makes it easier for better grip or a diagonal stick controller.

Whatever controller you use, you can test and tweak a few of these controller settings to see how you can help you improve your game!

What is Controller Deadzone?

The Controller Deadzone setting solely depends on the type of controller you use.

If you want to enhance the reaction time and the accuracy of your game, you will have to change the controller’s deadzone to the lowest setting possible. This will help you perfect the stick-drift and will also even out the playing field that lies in between the mouse or keyboard players and the controller.

So, if you would like to get a feel of the highest deadzone, start by making the following changes.

  • Select Fortnite’s Controller Settings and choose the creative mode.
  • Here, you will be required to change the deadzone setting to 0%.
  • From here, you will start to increase it slowly up until your analog sticks are not drifting anymore.

Best Deadzone Settings

  • Left Stick Deadzone: 0 (continue to increase it until drifting stops)
  • Right Stick Deadzone: 0 (continue to increase it until drifting stops)

Best Foot Controller Settings

What is Foot Controller?

Another setting that pro-gamers take advantage of is—tweaking the foot controller setting based on their personal preference. This setting allows you to modify the speed of the overall sensitivity of the game. This is one of the major reasons why gamers usually keep this setting low.

  • Enable foot controller: On
  • Foot controller deadzone: 1 %
  • Foot controller max throttle: 1 %
  • Fortnite Controller Settings

If you would like to further improve your overall performance, use other settings like Builder Pro. Most gamers use this because editing also plays a vital role in Fortnite.

With Builder Pro, you can now easily sync the game with the mouse or the keyboard. It also makes it easier for you to build while on the fly and increases the building speed as well.

Therefore, if you are a competitor looking to rise in the ranks, you should definitely consider turning on the Builder Pro feature.

Best Combat Controls

When it comes to Fortnite—or any video game for that matter, know that adjusting even the most minuscule setting will make a huge difference to improve the game’s quality.

Many gamers today love using Discord to communicate with teammates while playing. However, to use Discord, you must first make some space for the push-to-talk key bind for easier access.

Listed below are some of the best combat controls that you can use if you play Fortnite with a PlayStation.

  • L2: Aim down sights
  • L1: Previous weapon
  • R2: Attack / confirm
  • R1: Next weapon
  • Up: Inventory
  • Left: Place marker
  • Right: Map
  • Down: Push to talk
  • Triangle Button: Toggle pickaxe
  • Square Button: Reload / interact
  • Circle Button: Switch mode
  • Cross Button: Jump
  • L3: Sprint / auto sprint
  • R3: Crouch
  • Options Button: The game menu
  • Touch Pad: Map
  • Build controls
  • L2: Stair piece (select / place)
  • L1: Roof piece /select / place)
  • R2: Wall piece (select / place)
  • R1: Floor piece (select / place)
  • Up: Inventory
  • Left: Change material / trap
  • Right: Map
  • Down: Push to talk
  • Triangle Button: Toggle pickaxe
  • Square Button: Trap picker / place / interact
  • Circle Button: Switch mode
  • Cross Button: Jump
  • L3: Sprint / auto sprint
  • R3: Rotate / repair / change trap
  • Options Button: The game menu
  • Touch Pad: Map

Controls For Edits

  • L2: Unbound
  • L1: Unbound
  • R2: Select
  • R1: Unbound
  • Up: Inventory
  • Left: Unbound
  • Right: Unbound
  • Down: Push to talk
  • Triangle Button: Toggle pickaxe
  • Square Button: Unbound
  • Circle Button: Confirm
  • Cross Button: Jump
  • L3: Sprint / auto sprint
  • R3: Reset
  • Options Button: The game menu
  • Touch Pad: Map

Best Keybind Settings

If you are an amateur Fortnite gamer, you might be confused when you come across the phrase “build while on the fly” as mentioned above.

Building on Fortnite is important for two key reasons:

  1. To enable movement and fortifications
  2. To give you a major advantage over the opponent

Building features are usually assigned by default on your keyboard. However, these can be quite difficult to reach and might serve as a disadvantage when you are in the middle of a heated battle.

Therefore, to avoid this mid-game tragedy, a lot of professional players make use of custom keybinds to help them build during the game. Feel free to use the default keys if you are already used to them.

The best part here is the customization option available for keybinds. The keys you decide to utilize is up to your personal preference. Nonetheless, you will still have to make sure that you are able to easily and conveniently reach each of the keys to get your building done at the earliest.

To make this easier, you can refer to Tfue’s set of main binds.

  • Wall: R
  • Floor: E
  • Stairs: Q
  • Roof: Mouse5
  • Trap: F
  • Use: MW Down
  • Building Edits: Mouse 4 / V / MW UP

One thing you will instantly notice with these keybind settings is that they are located at a convenient distance—making them easy to reach. This makes the task of building on the fly as easy as 1-2-3!

What are the Other Settings to Enhance your Fortnite Game?

Settings are a great way to improve your game without using any tricky techniques. While the above-mentioned settings focus on specific aspects of the game, you can also make a few generic settings that will help improve the overall quality.

Listed below are seven of these generic settings to help you go from an amateur gamer to the pro level in no time!

1. Turn Off Shadows

Open a game of Fortnite and you will see a bunch of vibrant elements that you cannot miss. However, a few elements are hidden within the game’s excellent graphical style. One of these elements is shadows.

In most cases, you might even forget that they exist. However, ignoring this can take a heavy toll on your PC. If you do not want to make alterations to the game settings or have an old graphics card, turn off shadows while playing.

Lucky for you, your graphics will not have much of an impact just by turning off the shadows. While you will notice this only by squinting really hard, you might not be able to identify the change without focusing on it.

2. Keep Updating Your Windows Regularly

You will be surprised to know that some of Fortnite’s best settings come from just updating your PC’s software regularly.

The reason why your software is constantly coming up with new updates is to keep up with all the trends of new games, improving security, and so on. Without updating your PC, you can experience havoc with Fortnite’s FPS settings.

Besides, your game’s performance will drastically decrease when compared to those gamers who update their software.

The best way to avoid these issues is to update your Windows whenever needed.

3. Check If Your Laptop Is Fully Powered

After following all the settings mentioned in this guide, you can start a Fortnite match with the best performance. However, over time if you notice a steady decline in performance, you might want to check the PC’s power.

While enabling performance-boosting settings can improve your gameplay, they also have a drastic effect on your PC’s battery. Not only does a low battery hamper the game’s performance, but it will also start to slow down your system.

To avoid draining your battery, use the power-saver mode. Some laptops even have a specific feature called “game mode” to make the most out of these different settings while also keeping the PC powered for longer.

However, if all else fails, grab your PC’s charger and find the nearest socket to plug in your device to keep it running.

4. Update All The GPU Drivers

Are you working with invalid GPU drivers? If so, this could be the potential culprit that is causing a low frame rate with your game.

The best time to check this is when you start to notice a drop in the game’s quality, performance, and other irregularities. It is recommended to do routine checks frequently to make sure they are in working order. To do this, go into your PC’s Device Manager settings.

After updating the required drivers, you will notice the positive effect it has on Fortnite and every other video game on your PC!

5. Check Your Internet’s Connectivity

Ask any gamer and they will tell you that a bad internet connection is one of the most frustrating issues during a game. It makes your game sloppy by creating the annoying lag, and dragging down your score in the game.

However, keep in mind that you don’t need the fastest internet connection to play a good game. A steady connection is all you need. You can consider switching to an Ethernet cable or having a good wi-fi connection, or using a good wireless router.

6. Invest In A Good Graphics Card

If you have spent hours of your time tweaking your game’s settings according to this guide but still cannot improve your game, the problem might be with your graphics card.

It is true that Fortnite is not necessarily the most graphic-intense video game of today. However, it is still complex enough to confuse old graphic cards. Therefore, your most reasonable move at this point should be to throw out the old graphics card and upgrade to the latest one that is on the market today.

7. Upgrade To A New Laptop/Computer

Unfortunately, there are times when every setting mentioned on this article might not help you boost your game. The reason behind this might be associated with that old laptop/computer that you have been using for ages.

Older systems with old processors and minimal RAM space do no good for Fortnite. In order to get back the top-tier performance that it once gave, you will need to do a complete upgrade from A to Z.

But here’s the good news. You do not have to purchase an unbelievably expensive Laptop/Computer just to run the game. All you need to do is look for a system with an 8GB RAM space and a modern processor that will allow you to keep up with the game.

And that’s it! That’s the only upgrade you need to do! Combine the decent GPU with a new system and you won’t have to worry about the game’s performance anymore. You can also cast aside your worries about unnecessary troubleshooting with Fortnite and other video games.

FAQ about Game Settings for Fortnite

Question: Is it Better to Play on Low Settings for Fortnite?

Answer: Playing on low settings comes with its own benefits. For instance, you can see the opponent characters clearly even if they are far away, making them an easy target.

Using 144fps for 4v4 battles can help make your game smoother while also reducing the input lag.

Question: What is the Best FPS Setting for Fortnite?

Answer: For Fortnite, the best FPS is usually 60 FPS.

However, having a higher FPS can also help give you a cleaner, smoother gaming experience.  But various players consider the 60 FPS the perfect value to get an incredible gaming experience.

Question: Will the Xbox Series S Work on 120 FPS for Fortnite?

Answer: Yes, absolutely! Gamers who use Xbox Series S have the option to switch to the “120 FPS Mode” that comes with a high 1080p resolution.

However, your display should be able to carry through with the 120Hz refresh rate in order to function with the 120 FPS Mode. Additionally, keep in mind to turn on the 120Hz if you use the Xbox Series X|S.

Wrapping Up

The best part about Fortnite is that it is not a crazy game that requires you to make insane changes to achieve maximum performance. Just a few tweaks here and there will give you what you need.

Moreover, gamers are extremely satisfied with the already existing features of Fortnite including resolution, graphics, and so on.

However, there is always room for improvement and even the smallest change can help you reach optimal performance.

Keep in mind that certain settings mentioned in this guide are extremely personal. Therefore, what works for a professional gamer, might not work the same way for you. So experiment! Create your own settings! Because as long as you are comfortable, everything else will fall in place automatically. Good luck!

Continue reading and check out our list of best Fortnite headsets available.

* NOTE: Only technical details are coming under plagiarism

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